Usually when we think about exercise, physical benefits come to mind. You can lose weight, tone your muscles, or improve flexibility. However, studies have shown that there are plenty of ways that physical activity can positively impact our mental health, too! You may not even realize that your workout is promoting balance between your mind, body and spirit. Here’s just a few ways that staying active encourages holistic wellness:
It Gives You A Break
When we head to the gym, we are intentionally making time to do something for ourselves. Focusing on our exercise can take our mind off of our worries or self-critical thoughts, and relieve the stress and tension that builds up during the day. Because of this, physical activity can be helpful in treating depression and anxiety.
It Generates Positive Emotions
We’ve all done at least one of those never-ending, tough workouts. In the moment it may have felt impossible, but did you notice a sense of accomplishment afterwards? This is likely because exercise leads to the release of endorphins and enkephalins, hormones that make us feel good. If you’re not ready to run a marathon, however, a brisk walk around the neighborhood will have the same effect.
It Improves Circulation
Healthy circulation may be one of the lesser-known physical benefits of exercise, but it’s just as significant as the perks of weight loss or building muscle. A sedentary lifestyle puts us at risk for a number of health complications, but improved circulation as a result of being active can improve all body systems. Good blood flow slows the aging of our body and brain, moves nutrients into our cells and removes toxins. This doesn’t mean you have to go for a jog multiple times per day, but at least make sure you stand up and move around a bit every hour.
Natural Nutritionist Brooklyn