Feeling like spring allergies get the best of you every year? You’re not alone. Those symptoms can make life pretty uncomfortable. And unfortunately, what a lot of people don’t realize is that all of those over the counter medications that you think are helping to alleviate your symptoms have negative side effects. But the great news is that you can find relief elsewhere. All it takes is a trip to the supermarket or health food store for a few key items. These are some of my favorite foods to help remedy spring allergies naturally.
Probiotic-rich foods
Probiotic-rich foods like kombucha, kimchi, kefir, and yogurt are all great foods to eat when spring allergies attack. They support a stronger immune system and help with digestion. Raw, organic dairy products are especially useful if you’re coping with excessive mucus. The raw versions contain important enzymes our body needs, so make sure to pay close attention to the label before making a purchase.
Pineapple contains an important enzyme called bromelain, which can help reduce your reaction to spring allergies. The highest concentration of nutrients is in the pineapple’s core, so make sure to save that. Your best bet is to buy an entire pineapple versus the convenience cut version to ensure you’re getting all of the benefits. (By the way, fresh, cold-pressed pineapple juice that includes the core is also a great cold syrup, so keep it in mind when the winter months return.)
Apple cider vinegar
Raw apple cider vinegar is another great immune system booster. It helps break up mucus and support lymphatic drainage. I suggest making a little cocktail out of it by combining 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of fresh-squeezed lemon juice and a little raw honey (more on honey below.) Apple cider vinegar has a little kick to it, so I recommend sipping it slowly….especially if you’ve never tried it before.
Raw local honey
Raw honey contains bee pollen, which can provide allergy relief and ward off infections. But it is so important to make sure you’re buying local and steering clear of those processed, pasteurized honey bears. The bees in your neighborhood go from flower to flower collecting pollen that causes your spring allergies. When you consume that same pollen intentionally through raw local honey, you can become less sensitive to it. I recommend a spoonful per day, but if eating honey on its own is too much for you, give this recipe a shot.
Natural Nutritionist Brooklyn