5 Health and Wellness Tips For The Holidays

Donna Sergi • December 3, 2018

‘Tis the season for overindulgences, holiday parties, and a tendency to put individual health and wellness on the back burner. To avoid falling into the January weight loss new year’s resolution, keep these simple tips in mind. I promise, your holiday will be just as jolly….the only thing missing will be a lack of symptoms.

Skip the baking

If you’re one to give homemade goodies for gifts, chances are you’re probably doing a little too much taste testing along the way. Or dealing with temptation. Instead, make non-food gifts.

Schedule your exercise

Staying active on a regular basis is so important for overall health and wellness. I know that life can get in the way though, especially during the December holidays. I like to tell my patients to treat exercise like a business meeting they set with themselves. Give that mindset a shot and see how you do.

Fend off germs

Family gatherings, airports, and shopping malls are all places where germs love to mingle. Wash your hands a lot, making sure to use products free of toxins. You’ll also want to build up your immune system naturally with high-quality supplements. Elderberry syrup, probiotics, manuka honey, and vitamin C are all great staples. And make sure you don’t share things like utensils and drinking glasses with other people. They can be contagious before they even know they’re sick.

Eat whole foods

It’s not a coincidence that people who eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats are far less likely to get sick than those who hang out at the drive through on a regular basis. That’s because whole foods are chock full of vitamins and minerals versus chemicals and trans-fats.

Limit the sugary drinks and alcohol

What do eggnog, peppermint mochas, and gingerbread-flavored drinks have in common? They’re all delicious and seasonal! But they’re also filled with empty calories and refined sugar. Enjoy a few, but just don’t make it a daily habit.

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