It can be easy to fall into the trap of the latest trend diet. Losing weight is often equated with being healthy, but that’s not always the case. Rather than trying out the latest weight loss craze, follow these nutritional food tips to bust dieting myths and help you make a lifestyle change that focuses on nourishing your body.
Choose Good Carbs
We’ve all heard the phrase “cutting carbs,” but what if I told you that you may be cutting important nutrients from your diet? The reality is that there are two different types of carbs - simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are often found in processed foods and are made up of sugars (usually added) that are easy to digest. This is what may give you a burst of energy at first, but leads to an eventual crash. Complex carbohydrates are composed of longer chains of sugar molecules. This means that your body can use them as an energy source for an extended amount of time because they take longer to break down. Some foods that contain complex carbohydrates include legumes, whole grains and starchy vegetables.
Eat Healthy Fats
Like carbohydrates, fats are often viewed as the culprit in weight gain. However, there are both good and bad fats, and even an “in between” category. Unsaturated fats are heart healthy and are part of a nutritious diet. They can be found in nuts, and fatty fish. Trans fats are unhealthy even in small quantities and should be avoided. Luckily, most foods no longer contain trans fats, but it’s still something to be aware of when checking nutrition labels. Saturated fats do not have as high of a disease risk as trans fats, but should still be consumed in moderation. They are typically found in animal products such as meat and dairy.
Don’t Consider Certain Foods “Off-Limits”
Instead of focusing on removing foods from your diet that you “shouldn’t” eat, think about all of the exciting, healthy and nutritious foods you should add to your meals! Eat as much of a variety as possible, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables. And, of course, you should never restrict yourself from indulging every once in a while - just be sure to consume these treats in moderation.
Skip the Diet Shakes
The healthiest beverage you can drink is water. Weight loss shakes may help you quickly lose a few pounds and can even contain some key nutrients, but they aren’t sustainable for long-term weight loss. That’s because most people don’t plan on drinking them forever. If you’re looking for a boost in nutrition, you can try whole food supplements (I always recommend the high-quality Standard Process brand).
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