Our bodies are made up primarily of water, so it makes sense that it plays a very important role in keeping our systems functioning properly. When we aren’t properly hydrated, we start experiencing all kinds of symptoms that need to be addressed. But that’s easily avoided by drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. (Pro tip: your urine will tell you how hydrated you really are. Bright yellow indicates poor hydration, while pale yellow or clear indicates you’re drinking the right amount.) Staying hydrated is great for your health and wellness because it can help with:
Weight loss
If you need to drop a few pounds, staying hydrated can help. That’s because we often confuse thirst for hunger and eat when our body is actually craving fluids. By drinking water throughout the day, you’ll likely feel less hungry. You’ll be more inclined to naturally nourish your body appropriately with food, rather than overeat.
Improved complexion
Your skin cells are made of water, so it makes sense that it gets dry and flaky when you’re dehydrated. Water won’t make those crow’s feet disappear completely, but it can help minimize how pronounced wrinkles appear. Plus your skin will feel smoother and look brighter.
Brain function
A lack of hydration can impact mood, concentration, and alertness. Those headaches and feelings of confusion are your body’s way of telling you to drink up. So next time you’re in a brain funk, try reaching for a glass or two of water. It will re-energize you much better than a pastry from the nearby coffee shop. (Plus you won’t deal with the nasty side effects of sugar.)
Headache prevention
Headaches are often a symptom of dehydration. The trick is to stay ahead of it though. Instead of dealing with the discomfort and popping an over the counter medication that’s really not necessary, drink lots of water instead. You’ll be much less susceptible to headaches when you’re getting ample amounts of H20 in your body each day.
Immunity protection
Especially in the winter months when colds and the flu are prevalent, it’s important to do everything possible to tip the odds in your favor to prevent getting sick. So give your immune system a boost by drinking lots of water. Staying hydrated helps all of the major organs function properly, the kidneys and liver in particular. That can help fight off threats to your health before they even start.Natural Nutritionist Brooklyn