Can Candida Cause Weight Gain? An Exploration of the Relationship Between Candida Overgrowth and Body Weight

Donna Sergi • August 25, 2021

"The content below is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition."

Are you dealing with recurring Candida infections and weight gain? Are you tired of endlessly looking for solutions and nothing is working? 

Maybe you’re starting to wonder, “Does yeast overgrowth cause weight gain?” 

If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place. 

We’ve done the research and we’re providing answers on:

  • Whether Candida causes weight gain
  • 5 factors to be on the lookout for; and 
  • Ways to overcome Candida weight gain 

Keep reading to learn more.

Table of Contents


Does Candida Cause Weight Gain?

If you’ve ever dealt with Candida overgrowth before, you may already know it can cause a host of issues…


But you may not have known that if you’ve been experiencing weight gain, Candida overgrowth could be contributing to the issue.

Why Does Candida Cause Weight Gain? 5 Factors to Consider

#1: Candida Can Trigger Fatigue

Are you feeling unusually exhausted and can’t put your finger on the cause? The effects of Candida can certainly lessen your energy levels. 

In fact, Candida cells release close to 80 different toxins, like neurotoxins that can cause symptoms of:

  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Depression
  • And more 

But we’ll talk more about these toxins later.

How Can Fatigue Cause Weight Gain?

As a result of these toxins being released throughout your body, you may find it hard to stay active. 

And we’re not just talking about a lack of motivation for the gym — some people dealing with a Candida overgrowth struggle to get out of the bed in the morning. 

Lack of physical activity due to fatigue can easily lead to weight gain.

#2: Candida Can Increase Sugar Cravings

What’s the connection with Candida and sugar cravings? 

Candida needs sugar and starch in order to reproduce and continue to grow this is why a typical symptom of Candida overgrowth is an increased craving for high sugar foods.

We’re not talking about just a craving on occasion. Candida overgrowth causes cravings that can’t be tamed, no matter how much you’ve been eating. 

How does it work? 

As Candida feeds on the sugar and starch you’re taking in, your blood sugar levels drop. 

This sends a signal to your brain that says you need MORE sugar in order to normalize your blood sugar levels again — triggering the release of hormones in your body that cause you to crave sugar. 

How Do Sugar Cravings Cause Weight Gain?

Although small amounts of sugar won’t do damage, consuming excess amounts of sugar is a known contributor to weight gain and when you have excess Candida in your body, those sugar cravings may be even harder to curb. 

Consuming excess sugars could be causing your weight gain because: 

  • They are high in empty calories — foods full of added sugars tend to be high in calories with low nutrition value, easily contributing to weight gain. 
  • High sugar foods tend to be less filling — foods and beverages high in sugar tend to be low in the nutrients like fiber and protein that keep you full and satisfied. 
  • Sugar cravings could be causing you to overeat — your appetite-regulating hormones, as well as the reward centers in your brain, are affected by sugar. An increase in sugar cravings can cause you to overeat. 

Concerned that your sugar cravings and weight gain could be linked to Candida overgrowth? HealthierU can help you get to the root of the issue. 

We believe in taking a holistic approach to helping patients take back their health. Contact us today to see how we can help you overcome weight gain due to sugar cravings and Candida overgrowth.


#3: Candida Can Increase the Number of Toxins in the Body

Candida overgrowth results in a stream of toxins being released into your bloodstream. When this happens, it can have severe implications on the way your body gets rid of toxins. 

When there is too much Candida in your body your liver has to work extra hard to get rid of these toxins it produces.

How Do Increased Toxins Cause Weight Gain?

When your liver becomes overloaded trying to remove these toxins from your body, some of the Candida metabolites get stored away until your liver can process them later.

But where do they get stored? 

As fat cells throughout your body in women, this is usually in their hips, thighs, and stomach.

#4: Candida Buildup Can Put Pressure on the Immune System

The toxins produced by Candida buildup can take a tremendous toll on your immune system. 

These toxins put a large burden on your adrenal glands, the glands responsible for producing hormones required for maintaining a healthy immune system. 

But how exactly does a stressed immune system affect your weight?

How Can a Stressed Immune System Cause Weight Gain?

When your immune system is placed under additional stress caused by toxins from Candida, your cortisol levels continue to increase, prompting your body to hold on to any dietary fats as an emergency response to stress.

Now, instead of using those dietary fats for energy, it stores them away, resulting in weight gain.

#5: Candida Can Trigger Hormonal Imbalance

Those terrible toxins released from Candida we mentioned earlier? They’re still to blame. 

When Candida cells die off, they can create hormonal imbalances by releasing two specific toxins, ethanol and acetaldehyde, that can disrupt your endocrine system.

How Can Hormonal Imbalance Cause Weight Gain?

When your adrenal glands become overworked, your thyroid and metabolism may become sluggish, causing you to gain weight. 

But that’s not all. Those two toxins ethanol and acetaldehyde? Think of those as a large pool of alcohol just floating throughout your bloodstream. 

Eventually that pool of alcohol is going to … 

  • Place a large burden on your liver
  • Affect your blood sugar levels, and 
  • Cause mass confusion when it comes to producing hormones 

… all things that could be triggering your body to hold onto fat cells and increase your weight.


Can Candida Stop You from Losing Weight?


If you’ve noticed that you’ve recently plateaued in losing weight, even after you’ve changed eating habits and stayed active — Candida overgrowth is a likely culprit. 

As we mentioned above, when your body is trying to deal with the additional toxins in your bloodstream, it stores the fat as a “fight or flight” response, in hopes of using that fat for energy later. 

Overcoming Candida Weight Gain

So, if Candida is to blame for your weight gain, what can you do about it?

One of the most recommended ways to overcome Candida weight gain is to cure the Candida overgrowth permanently. 

What many people get wrong when trying to overcome Candida weight gain is that they treat the symptoms, not the underlying cause, because they are unaware that Candida is what’s causing their symptoms. 

How can you find out if Candida is causing your body to hold onto excess fats? 

A great way to start is by: 

  • Eating a healthier diet of whole, unprocessed foods. Limit sugar and refined carbs so that the Candida doesn’t have as much sugar to feed off of. 
  • Restoring microflora in your intestines. Consider using botanical extracts, which have natural anti-microbial properties, to help balance your intestines and keep the natural flora in your gut. 
  • Bringing good bacteria back into your digestive tract. Probiotics help balance the bacteria-yeast levels throughout your body. Look for foods or supplements that contain Lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacteria that can re-balance your digestive and vagina flora.

If you’re unsure of whether or not Candida is to blame for your weight gain, consider Nutrition Response Testing, a natural way to get to the root of the weight gain, or Candida overgrowth, and get your health back on track — stop wasting time treating your symptoms, and get down the root of the issue.


For Insight Into How Candida and Weight Gain May Be Affecting Your Body, Schedule a Free Consultation With HealthierU

Candida overgrowth is your body’s way of telling you that something bigger is going on inside your body. 

The weight gain is another sign your body is screaming for help. 

At HealthierU, our holistic approach can provide insight on how Candida may be causing your weight gain — and what you can do to help your body heal as naturally as possible. 

Schedule a consultation today to see if Nutrition Response Testing can help you pinpoint what’s causing your weight gain, if Candida is to blame, and how to overcome both issues without unnecessary treatment plans. 

Our programs are custom designed to help you overcome weight gain associated with Candida overgrowth as naturally as possible through: 

  • Supplementation
  • Lifestyle changes; and 
  • Proper nutrition 

We’re here to help you heal. 

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