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Are you experiencing issues with…
...and have been told your hormones are to blame?
Maybe you’ve been prescribed medications to help, but you want to know if there is anything more you could be doing to balance your hormones and start feeling better.
No one wants to feel like their health is completely out of their control, but we have good news for you. You can manage your hormonal imbalances through your daily dietary choices.
In this guide, we offer a comprehensive look at the foods that help with hormonal imbalance so you can start feeling like yourself again.Hormones are chemicals that are produced by your endocrine glands, and hormone imbalances may occur when there is too much or too little of a particular hormone in your bloodstream.
Despite popular belief that hormones impact sexual and reproductive health only, hormonal imbalances can affect anyone. Even the tiniest of imbalances can cause a multitude of side-effects throughout your body.
But how does food play a role in all of this?
Some of the worst foods for hormone imbalance contain ingredients, such as:
Along with lifestyle changes that include…
...the foods you eat can largely contribute to balancing your hormones.
However, it’s important to note that while some foods are typically considered hormone balancers, every person is different, and therefore may require a different combination of foods to feel their best.
At HealthierU in Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Sergi uses a method called Nutrition Response Testing to determine individual toxicity levels, and potential allergens that could be contributing to hormonal imbalances.
Sometimes the foods we think are best for us may actually be the cause of ongoing health problems.You’ve been battling hormonal issues for long enough and you feel ready to start making some dietary changes .
The following seven foods have been known to correct imbalances within the endocrine system.
Remember, you didn’t develop hormonal imbalances in a day, so you will need to give these foods their fair time to start working for you.
Eating fish that is high in Omega-3 fatty acids , such as...
...can actually slow the production of cortisol, known as the stress hormone.
If you’re on a vegetarian or vegan diet, don’t worry. You can still add Omega 3’s to your daily diet by adding these foods:
Eating fish promotes healthy cell-to-cell communication, leading to improved:
The most common conditions that can benefit from omega 3 essential fatty acids are:
Eggs are a staple in many kitchens and they also happen to be packed with nutritional benefits , including hormonal support. With a variety of ways to enjoy this simple and delicious food, fitting eggs into your daily diet should be easy.
Eggs contain selenium , which is an antioxidant.
Why is this important?
Antioxidants remove free radicals that can cause damage and premature aging to the thyroid glands.
In addition to benefiting your endocrine system, eggs are also known to reduce the risk of certain cancers and boost the body’s metabolism.
To many, the word “carbohydrates” may set off alarm bells, but not all carbs are created equal.
Carbohydrates, such as…
Without enough glucose, the body produces cortisol ( the stress hormone ), creating hormonal imbalance, and negatively impacting the body at a cellular level.
Whole and unprocessed complex carbohydrates (like the ones listed above) take longer to digest and as a result, they produce a lasting stream of glucose that supports healthy blood sugar levels.Many healthy fats come with a host of benefits, including hormonal balance, while also making you feel full longer.
Try adding these healthy fats to your daily diet to help achieve endocrine health:
Low-fat diets decrease the production of estrogen and progesterone in the body.
All hormones are comprised of protein and fat, and sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone ) are made from cholesterol.
If you remove cholesterol from your diet, you slow the production of estrogen which can lead to estrogen deficiency and these symptoms in women:
Healthy fats are essential in the production and steady flow of hormones.
It’s common to consider root vegetables as part of a hearty meal in the autumn or winter, but eating them year-round is extremely beneficial to keeping hormonal balance.
Try adding some of these root vegetables to your meals or snacks each day:
The fiber in root vegetables helps balance blood sugar levels, thus balancing hormones.
Carrots, in particular, are great for preventing estrogen dominance, while sweet potatoes boost progesterone levels. Other root vegetables provide food for the healthy bacteria that live in your gut.
Incorporating root vegetables into your diet is simple. Try adding:
However you choose to add root vegetables to your daily diet, you’ll begin to reap the hormonal benefits in no time.
There’s more to leafy greens than just salads.
You can...
...with your healthy greens.
No matter how you decide to get your daily greens, you can take comfort in knowing that you’re ridding your body of harmful estrogens with crucifers like:
Not only are dark, leafy greens rich in a ton of micronutrients, they’re also loaded with healing vitamins, such as:
Fruits can cause insulin levels to spike, which can affect cortisol and estrogen levels, so they should be eaten regularly but in moderation.
When fruits are consumed in the right amounts they can positively affect hormone levels.
Have a look at these three fruits to learn how they not only rank as food for hormonal balance but provide a host of other benefits as well.
We’ve all heard the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but is there any truth to that?
We think so.
Apples can be eaten on the fly, chopped up and baked with cinnamon for a sweet, but healthy snack, or added to salads and other recipes.
Not only are they versatile, but they’re beneficial to your hormonal health.Apples are packed with vitamin C, which is essential in the production of progesterone, the hormone responsible for reducing depression and anxiety.
Not only that, but apples are host to a powerful antioxidant called quercetin , which can assist in increasing the antioxidant capacity of the ovaries.Blueberries are delicious, nutritious, and can be eaten daily as a part of a healthy and balanced diet.
This tiny berry is making waves as one of the most recommended superfoods out there, and for good reason.They may be small, but these little berries came to fight… for your health.
Packed with flavonoids and antioxidants, blueberries are also high in vitamin C and potassium, making them a top fighter against inflammation, cancer, and heart disease.
But, what can they do to help your hormonal imbalance?
They’re also loaded with vitamin B6 , which assists in the production and balancing of progesterone.Strawberries are a delicious summer treat that can be enjoyed year-round. They can be added to your…
Not only are they delicious, but they are also a winner in the fight against hormonal imbalances.
Strawberries not only contain high levels of phytoestrogens, which can assist in hormonal balance, but they’re also chock-full of vitamin C which helps boost the immune system and stabilize hormones.
While eating foods that help with hormonal imbalance can be beneficial, no two people are alike and the cause of a hormonal imbalance will vary from person to person.
Most patients that come to us want to know about foods that balance hormones in females, but a hormonal imbalance can happen anytime, they are not exclusive to pregnancy, PMS, or menopause.
At HealthierU in Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Donna Sergi, Nutrition Response Practitioner, and Holistic Chiropractor , uses a technique called Nutrition Response Testing to determine the underlying cause of your hormonal imbalance and evaluate how your body is functioning and responding to hormonal imbalance.
With the results of your Nutrition Response Test, Dr. Sergi will develop a plan, based on your body’s specific needs, that will help return your body to a balanced state while restoring full and proper function to all of your organs.
As a result, the symptoms you’ve been experiencing will improve as your hormones become balanced again.
Natural Nutritionist Brooklyn