If you feasted on holiday cookies, ham, eggnog, and other comfort foods, I bet you’re feeling kind of blah right now. The good news is that your body knows what’s wrong with it. So resetting it to feel great doesn’t have to be hard. And it definitely doesn’t require the latest fad diet. Here’s what you can do to help it along.
Eliminate, don't starve
A lot of us hear the word “cleanse” and automatically think it means ‘no food’ or ‘liquid diet.’ I’m here to tell you that’s not accurate. Your post-Christmas cleanse should focus on lots of clean, wholesome foods. Stay away from refined sugar, white flours, and processed carbohydrates. Try eating lots of plants the day after the holiday. Besides all of the nutritional benefits, plants are easy to digest. Your body is already working hard to eliminate the junk. Today is not the day to put added unnecessary stress on it.
Drink warm lemon water
Start your morning with a cup of warm water with lemon and continue refilling it throughout the day. This is the best way to get your liver to filter out toxins. The lemons are an added boost to help with digestion. So drink up.
Stay positive
A positive mindset is everything. Bouncing back will only be difficult if you allow it to be. So instead of, “geez, I really messed up and now I have to work on getting healthy again” think of it another way. For example “wow, I really enjoyed those Christmas treats and now it’s time to get back to my healthy routine.”
A detox is all about getting the bad out and the good back in. Sweating is a natural method for doing just that. You won’t hit all of your goals in a day, so don’t go overboard. But do find a physical activity you love and stick to it. When you find an exercise routine that’s enjoyable, you’ll be far more likely to be consistent with it. And consistency leads to results.
Don’t weigh yourself
You probably already know you’re not going to like what it says, so why do it to yourself? Many of us are much more likely to say something like, “I already gained 5 pounds so one more unhealthy habit won’t make a difference” in these vulnerable moments. Don’t let that be you. Focus on how you’re feeling, whether it’s good or bad, instead of a number.
Natural Nutritionist Brooklyn