I find that many of my patients have a love/hate relationship with Halloween. There is something about all of those little fun size pieces of candy that can trip up even the healthiest eater. And while everything is fine in moderation, it’s so easy to unintentionally go overboard. A little post-Halloween detox is easy though. Just follow these tips to get back on track.
Tip #1: break the sugar addiction
It doesn’t take much to get hooked on refined sugar. The more you eat, the more you crave. Studies even suggest it is as addictive as some illegal drugs. So first things first, get rid of leftover Halloween candy. Next, wean yourself off the refined sugar by replacing it with fruits that are high in natural sugar like pineapple.
Tip #2: eat nourishing foods
Eating a diet rich in fruits and veggies will make your body crave the good stuff. Keep your plate colorful with fresh, organic (if possible) produce, lean meats, healthy fats, and good carbs like sweet potato and quinoa.
Tip #3: get moving
Before I was a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner, I was a personal trainer, so I’m an especially big fan of physical activity. Exercise gets your metabolism going and will help sweat out the bad stuff. If a HITT workout isn’t your thing though, don’t worry. Lower impact activities like speed walking or yoga will help too.
Tip #4: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day should be the norm, but it’s even more important when the goal is to flush out all of the Halloween junk food you indulged in. Aim for one ounce of water for every pound you weigh. The many benefits of drinking water are worth it.
Tip #5: Fight exhaustion
Refined sugar is known for giving you a quick burst of energy that is followed by a harsh crash. To make sure you’re not overly fatigued, make a point to go to sleep early for a few days. Incorporate lots of lean protein into your diet as well. Your body will benefit from the amino acids because they help you feel alert.
Natural Nutritionist Brooklyn