With things like toilet paper, baby wipes, and soap flying off shelves just as fast as they’re added these days, I wanted to cross one of those necessities off the list for you with this DIY hand sanitizer recipe. Unfortunately, it’s been reported that coronavirus Brooklyn NY is here (2 assembly members who live in Brooklyn recently tested positive.) So if you haven’t placed an emphasis on your well-being during this difficult time yet, it’s crucial that you do so now.
The virus can live on surfaces for 8-10 days, so you are really putting yourself at risk if you’re not extra careful. One of the best ways you can protect yourself is with frequent hand washing, for at least 20 seconds each time. Given the shortage of cleansing products, this is an especially beneficial time to learn how to make your own hand sanitizer. It’s easy - I promise! I love this recipe because it’s toxin-free, quick to make, and smells great.
Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl, then store in a small jar or squeeze tube. This recipe will make about 2 ounces.
Happy sanitizing!
Natural Nutritionist Brooklyn