4 Foods That Fight Infection

Donna Sergi • March 31, 2020
hormonal imbalance

This is the time when your immune system needs to be at its strongest. Unfortunately COVID-19 can lurk almost anywhere for up to 8-10 days, which means even the most skilled social distancer can never be too cautious. Focusing on a nutrient-rich, whole-foods diet (and a lot of hand washing) is the best possible thing you can do for your immune system. These are some of my favorite foods that fight infection.

Raw tree nuts and seeds

Raw tree nuts and seeds are great foods that fight infection because of the high vitamin E content. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that fights respiratory infections, so it’s something we want to pay extra close attention to right now. Sunflower seeds and almonds have the highest concentrations, but vitamin E is also present in Brazil nuts, pinenuts, and pistachios.


Garlic contains medicinal compounds, including allicin and sulphur-containing compounds that ward off sickness. That’s why it has a very long history as an immune booster and remedy for respiratory illnesses. If you can stand it, try to eat a raw clove daily. But if the taste is too strong on its own, make a point to incorporate cooked garlic into your meals.


Cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli, are other terrific foods that fight infection. Sulforaphane, a chemical in the vegetable, switches on antioxidant genes and enzymes in immune cells. Pretty magical stuff. Broccoli is also high in vitamin C.


Oysters, Alaskan crab, shrimp, and mussels are all high in zinc. And items high in zinc are excellent foods that fight infection. Zinc is important because it is involved in many important processes in your body, including maintaining your immune system. We don’t store zinc, so it’s important to eat enough each day or take a high-quality supplement.

This is also a great time to whip up a batch of elderberry syrup and add it into your daily regimen. I love this recipe.

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