Natural Remedies for Menopause Weight Gain

Dr. Donna Sergi, Licensed Nutrition Response Practitioner • September 24, 2021

"The content below is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition."

It has taken you years to get to know your body, and by now you can read her like a clock.

Or at least you used to.

Now that your clock has struck menopause, the typical symptoms like hot flashes and memory problems seem to have thrown your body out of whack.

But an unexpected menopause symptom has thrown you for a loop –– weight gain.

Menopause weight gain affects women of all shapes and sizes, but surprisingly there’s not a one-size-fits-all remedy.

In this guide, you’ll learn all about menopause weight gain along with:

  • The factors that can cause menopause weight gain
  • Herbal remedies for weight gain during menopause; and
  • How to develop your personalized arsenal of natural remedies against menopause weight gain

Table of Contents

herbs for menopause weight gain

3 Big Factors That Can Cause Menopause Weight Gain

Whether you’re doing what you’ve always done to maintain your weight or weight fluctuation has been the name of the game most of your life, menopause weight gain can be frustrating.

The problem is –– it comes down to more than just diet and exercise.

Although it’s always helpful, during menopause the body is going through changes on a molecular level that affects how the body reacts to diet and exercise. 

We’re going to dig into some practical ways to naturally target menopause weight gain. But we first have to know what’s going on inside the body. 

As with snowflakes, no two bodies are the same. 

That’s why at HealthierU it’s our mission to help you manage your menopause journey holistically with Nutrition Response Testing.

Nutrition Response Testing allows you to get to the root cause of your menopause symptoms with … 

  • Precise
  • Scientific; and
  • Personal

… results that guide your tailored plan to relieve your menopause symptoms –– all without the use of medication.

Factor #1: A Drop in Estrogen Levels

The number one contributor to menopause weight gain is the dreaded drop in estrogen.

This change in hormonal balance during menopause leads to an increase in total body fat — and more specifically, abdominal fat.

Factor #2: The Natural Aging Process

With age, we naturally become less active in our lifestyle and habits. 

The decreased activity slows down the metabolic process and results in reduced muscle mass and increased body fat.

Factor #3: Poor Sleep Habits

With the hot flashes and night sweats, it’s impossible to get the recommended hours of sleep.

Poor sleep habits have been proven to be a contributing factor to menopause weight gain.

A recent study showed an increase in weight gain in animals who were deprived of sleep, showing the importance of catching those zzz’s. 

home remedies for menopause weight gain

Can You Lose Menopause Weight Gain?

The short answer –– yes you can. 

You can lose the menopause weight gain by targeting the most active contributor to menopause weight gain –– drastically decreasing estrogen levels.

You can replace those lost estrogen hormones naturally without the use of medications and hormone replacement therapy.

Natural Remedies for Weight Gain During Menopause — It Starts in Your Gut

That’s right, it starts in your gut –– not with your gut.

Without knowing it, you could be eating foods that seem healthy but are adding to your menopause weight gain.

Nutrition Response Testing at HealthierU will tell you exactly how the foods you’re putting in your gut may be helping to grow your gut.

Contact HealthierU today to learn more and book a free consultation.

natural remedies for menopause weight gain

3 Estrogen-Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet Now

Several plant-based foods provide natural estrogen to supplement your diet.

Since a sharp decline in estrogen levels is largely responsible for an increase in abdominal fat, these foods may be the answer to the popular question: 

How can I lose my menopause belly?

Bonus –– these foods can also help with symptoms such as:

  • Hot flashes
  • Decreased bone density
  • Trouble sleeping
#1: Flax Seeds

Flax seeds, also known as linseed, are naturally rich in lignans, which function similarly to the estrogen hormone. 

This estrogen-like functionality means that flax seeds are often used to relieve menopause symptoms like hot flashes and bone loss. 

A study showed 140 menopausal women self-reported significant improvements in various menopause symptoms and overall quality of life after taking flax seeds for three months.

Plus ... 

Adding nutrient-dense flax seeds is considered a safe and easy way to boost your intake of fiber and healthy fats.

The ability to alleviate menopause symptoms and add essential nutrients to our diet makes flax seeds a helpful addition to your diet to combat the weight gain brought on by menopause.

#2: Fruits and Vegetables

Getting your fill of fruits and vegetables can help relieve many menopause symptoms and may help prevent bone loss.

Due to their low-calorie count, you can eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables to help you feel full throughout the day which is great for your diet and weight loss journey.

#3: Tofu

Made from dried soybeans soaked in water, crushed, and boiled, Tofu boasts a valuable supply of isoflavones.

Isoflavones possess estrogen properties that help alleviate menopause symptoms due to a decline in estrogen production like:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Bone loss
  • Headaches
  • Trouble sleeping

A good source of protein, tofu has a high nutrient profile and is a safe, low-calorie alternative to animal protein, provided you don’t have a soy allergy.

3 Herbs That Act as Natural Remedies for Menopause Weight Gain

Using a few herbs to naturally manage menopause symptoms can have a significant impact on menopausal weight gain. 

Keep reading to learn more about the three most popular herbal home remedies for menopause weight gain.

As always, it’s imperative to consult your doctor or physician before taking any supplements. Choose supplements that have been tested for purity by a trusted third party.

#1: Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is a flowering plant native to the eastern regions of North America traditionally used in Native American herbal medicine to treat many illnesses.

Black cohosh is most popular for its ability to alleviate symptoms associated with menopause, including …

  • Night sweats
  • Hot flashes; and 
  • Mood disorders

… which can directly affect your energy levels and sleep quality to help lose the weight gained from menopause.

Health risks of Black cohosh may include:

  • Liver damage
  • Mild nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Skin rashes
#2: Red Clover

Red clover is an herbaceous flowering plant belonging to the legume family.

Rich in phytoestrogens, these compounds mimic female estrogen to help relieve menopausal symptoms associated with the decline of the hormone, like:

It’s important to prevent bone loss to maintain an active lifestyle and help you fight menopausal weight gain.

Red clover has been found to have no serious side effects — but you may experience mild symptoms like headache and nausea. 

Continued use of red clover is discouraged for longer than three years and may not be safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

#3: Dong Quai

Dong quai is an Asian herb closely related to celery, carrot, and parsley.

Also known as female ginseng, dong quai is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to support women’s health and treat symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause.

Despite its popularity, there’s little evidence to support the use of dong quai alone for menopause symptoms.

However, studies using dong quai combined with herbs including … 

  • Red clover
  • Black cohosh; and 
  • Chamomile

… found that menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats were significantly reduced, which supports improved quality of sleep and increased weight loss.

Dong quai is generally safe for most adults but may have blood-thinning side effects and increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. If you take blood thinners, you may want to avoid use.

natural cures for menopause weight gain

2 Bonus Natural Remedies for Menopause Weight Gain (After You Begin Healing From the Inside)

Remember –– it all starts with healing from the inside.

Once you’ve got a deeper understanding and begin to address the factors of menopause weight gain from within, these two bonus natural remedies will help give you an extra push in losing the menopause weight.

Increase Activity

After you’ve begun healing with what you put in your gut, you can get moving to start working on your gut.

Proper nutrition increases energy levels. 

It’s no secret the menopause can cause you to feel lethargic, making it difficult for you to recover or even find the energy to be more active.

Here are just a few recommended activities to help burn that menopause fat away:

  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Weight training

Make Sleep a Priority

There’s a domino effect that comes along with healing with natural remedies from the inside out.

Once you’ve got more energy, you’ll be more active.

Once you’re more active, you’ll sleep better. 

Studies show that exercise has a positive effect on sleep quality.

Additional ways you can set yourself up for a good night’s sleep include:

  • Set a sleep schedule and keep it
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day
  • Make your bedroom comfortable, dark, and quiet
  • Eliminate screen time and tv time at least an hour before bed
natural remedies for menopause weight gain

Find Out how Nutrition Response Testing Can Help Find Personalized Natural Remedies for Your Menopause Weight Gain

Every woman’s menopause experience is different.

Generalized, catch-all advice will only get you so far –– if anywhere at all.

The holistic approach at HealthierU works to find the root cause of your menopause weight gain and the best natural remedies for you.

HealthierU’s Nutrition Response Testing is custom-designed to suit your needs. 

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive procedure that assesses how your …

  • Organs
  • Glands
  • Tissues; and
  • Muscles

… are functioning during your menopause experience. 

Any problems like …

  • Food sensitivities
  • Nutrient deficiencies; and
  • Toxic substances

… are identified. 

Based on these results, patients receive a personalized nutrition plan to begin their journey to healing.

Every patient is different, but most notice positive changes within just four to six weeks.

Book your free consultation today.

natural remedies for menopause weight gain
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