Nutritional Approaches to Prevention and Treatment of Gallstones: Healing Your Body the Natural Way

Dr. Donna Sergi, Licensed Nutrition Response Practitioner • April 28, 2022

"The content below is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition."

You probably haven’t given much thought or attention to your gallbladder until you experience the excruciating pain of gallstones –– hello, gallbladder.

Gallstones are among the most common gastrointestinal disorders in the United States.

Your gallbladder stores the bile your liver produces which helps your body break down and digest the fats that you eat. 

Gallstones develop when substances in bile harden and cause a blockage in your bile ducts.

You may have received medication from your doctor to treat your gallstones, but they keep coming back.

It’s time to get to the underlying cause and heal your body the natural way.

In this guide, you’ll learn the best diet to prevent gallstones — plus 11 tips for gallstone nutrition therapy.

Table of Contents

foods to eliminate gallstones

What Is the Best Diet to Prevent Gallstones?

Many medical experts suggest that a vegetarian diet is the best diet to prevent gallstones.

Studies show that dietary factors can influence the risk of developing gallstones. Specifically, excluding foods containing high amounts of …

  • Cholesterol
  • Saturated fats 
  • Trans-fatty acids; and 
  • Refined sugars

… from your diet can help prevent and treat gallstones.

Still, transitioning to a plant-based diet can be challenging. 

But don’t worry –– the good news is you don’t have to be a strict vegetarian to prevent and treat gallstones.

11 Tips for Gallstone Nutrition Therapy

Switching over to a vegetarian diet may be an easy conversion for some if you’re already living a compatible lifestyle.

But for many, restricting yourself to eating an entirely plant-based diet sounds like an impossible task.

Luckily there are other nutritional options like eating a whole food diet that can help prevent and treat gallstones.

Keep reading to learn 10 –– plus one bonus –– that’s 11 tips for gallstone nutritional therapy.

And not one of them requires you to swear off meat.

#1: Don’t Forget the Fiber

Foods that are high in insoluble fiber may help you treat gallstones.

Insoluble fiber lowers your low-density lipoproteins (LDL), also known as the “bad” cholesterol, by acting as roughage in your digestive system. This flushes bile that can build up and cause gallstones.

To incorporate fiber in your diet and help resolve your gallstones, aim to include high-fiber foods in your meals like:

  • Whole-grain bread
  • Whole-grain pasta
  • Brown or wild rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Barley
  • Popcorn
  • Bulgur

#2: Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables

Just loading up on fruits and vegetables can have a positive effect on your body, including your gallbladder.

Fruits and vegetables are brimming with beneficial vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E, which are integral to gallbladder health.

As an added benefit, fruits and vegetables have a high water and fiber content which will keep you feeling full longer.

To see the best results in treating and preventing gallstones, choose a wide variety of different produce to add to your daily diet.

#3: Get Your Vitamin C

It’s so important we thought we’d get a little more specific.

Experts have revealed that people who eat more vitamin C are less likely to get gallbladder disease or gallstones. 

Women should aim for 75 milligrams and men should get 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day.

Choose a supplement or fill up on these vitamin C-rich foods to eliminate gallstones:

  • Peppers
  • Berries
  • Broccoli
  • Cantelope
  • Kiwi
  • Baked potato
  • Citrus fruits

#4: Go Easy on Fried Foods

As tasty as they may be, fried foods require your gallbladder to work overtime.

High in saturated fat, fried foods raise your cholesterol levels — which can lead to gallstones.

Not to mention fried fatty foods pack in the calories and pack on the pounds that can put you at greater risk of getting gallstones. 

#5: Stay Hydrated

Water helps your gallbladder empty and keeps the bile from building up and forming gallstones.

Increasing your water intake is another tip that does double duty as it can help you shave off those extra pounds that make you more susceptible to gallbladder problems.

gallstone nutrition therapy

#6: Incorporate Healthy Fats Into Your Diet

Not all fats are bad.

In fact, unsaturated fats found in foods like …

  • Avocado
  • Salmon
  • Nuts; and
  • Olive oil

… encourage healthy gallbladder function.

Eating low-fat dairy foods in particular can help resolve trouble with gallstones.

And a switch as simple as cooking with olive oil instead of butter can help your body work to prevent gallstones.

#7: Enjoy Alcohol in Moderation

Yes, you read that right. 

Studies report that alcohol consumed in moderation consistently reduces the risk of gallstone disease. 

That’s because alcohol has been shown to raise the levels of the “good” cholesterol in bile. 

We’ve talked about how high levels of “bad” cholesterol contribute to the development of gallstones.

“Good” cholesterol, or high-density lipoproteins (HDL), carry excess cholesterol from other parts of your body to the liver to be removed from your body.

#8: Watch Out for Saturated Fats

If the “good” fats are unsaturated, then the “bad” fats are –– you guessed it –– saturated fats.

Saturated fats can raise your cholesterol level and increase your risk of developing gallstones.

Saturated fats are most commonly found in foods like:

  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • Pork
  • Full-fat dairy products
  • Butter
  • Coconut oil

Instead, choose lean proteins which aid in treating gallstone problems.

#9: Snack on Some Nuts

High in …

  • Fiber
  • Healthy fats; and
  • Plant sterols

… nuts pack a potent nutritional punch in a small serving.

Plant sterols are compounds that block your body from absorbing cholesterol. 

Even something as small as consuming peanuts or peanut butter at least five times a week can make a difference in the risk of gallbladder disease, research says.

#10: Stay Away From Crash Diets

Avoid crash diets if you’re concerned about gallbladder health.

Rapid weight loss can impair your gallbladder from functioning properly, which leaves you more susceptible to gallstones.

Skipping meals can also create additional issues with your gallbladder.

When you don’t eat for a long time, your liver releases extra cholesterol into the bile which can prevent your gallbladder from emptying completely.

Instead, focus on safe weight loss by losing one to two pounds per week through good, old-fashioned healthy eating and exercise.

#11: Enjoy Your Morning Cup of Joe

Now you can enjoy your morning cup of brew knowing that you’re lowering your risk of gallstones by 3%.

And if coffee is your drink of choice throughout the day, you can indulge in up to six cups of coffee a day knowing you’ve lowered your risk by up to 23%, thanks to a recent study.

nutritional approaches to prevention and treatment of gallstones

What Else Can You Do to Boost Your Dietary Management of Gallstones?

Wondering about what else you can do to boost your dietary management of gallstones?

Consider coming to HealthierU, where we will create a customized plan that is tailored to your body and gallbladder needs, including:

  • Nutritional support
  • Lifestyle guidance; and 
  • Supplementation

At HealthierU we believe that your body knows what’s wrong with it. 

That’s why we will approach your gallstone nutrition therapy plan without traditional medication, which can get in the way of your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

If you’re looking for other ways to squeeze every extra benefit out of adjusting your eating habits, try incorporating these tips to prevent or treat gallstones.

Try to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Research has found that being overweight may make you more likely to develop gallstones, especially if you’re a woman.

Those extra pounds lead to an enlarged gallbladder, raising your cholesterol levels and affecting the ability of your gallbladder to empty properly. 

It has even been shown that where you carry extra weight can affect your likelihood of having gallstones.

Those who have excess fat around their waist are more prone to developing gallstones than those who carry excess fat around their hips and thighs.

So managing your weight is a great way to take your gallbladder health into your own hands.

Whether you choose to adopt a full vegetarian lifestyle or just implement as many modifications as you can tolerate, maintaining a healthy weight can play a large part in treating and preventing gallstones.

Exercise Regularly

There are many benefits to exercising regularly. 

In addition to …

  • Boosting your mood
  • Burning calories; and
  • Improving your sleep

… physical activity can protect your gallbladder.

Being physically active can lower your odds of having gallbladder disease.

That doesn’t mean you need to sign up for the newest trend in fitness or adopt rigorous exercise routines.

Just get your body moving. Even as little as five to ten minutes per day of brisk walking can make a difference.

Be sure to talk with your doctor first before starting any new exercise regime.

whole food nutritional supplements

Let HealthierU Help You Permanently Alleviate Your Gallstone Issues Using Natural Remedies

Gallstones are your body’s painful signal that something isn’t right.

Dr. Sergi at HealthierU can help you get to the root of the cause of your gallbladder problems through Nutrition Response Testing.

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive procedure that tests your body’s neurological reflexes and acupressure points.

Dr. Sergi starts with a complete physical exam to determine your specific needs and develops a custom-designed program based on your results.

With the use of only natural remedies, we allow your body to heal itself.

Contact us today to get started.

nutritional approaches to prevention and treatment of gallstones
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