There are so many natural remedies for the coughing, sneezing, sniffles, and fevers seem to be spreading like wildfire this winter! Fire cider is a great go-to, but if that’s not for you, there’s always good old vitamin C. If you can believe it, orange juice is actually not the best source for it (not to mention that OJ generally has a lot of sugar in it.) I always recommend my patients follow this nutrition advice when it comes to increasing their vitamin C intake.
Eat More Vegetables
Vitamin C is just another reason to make sure you’re filling your plate with lots of vegetables at every meal. And if you can, incorporate them into your snacks too. These veggies have an especially impressive vitamin C content:
Stock Up On Fruit
Vitamin C lurks in places you’d least expect it. So what has Vitamin C besides oranges? Berries and tropical fruit are a good place to start.
Natural Nutritionist Brooklyn